It was one of those situations where shortly after you hit send, you realize you shouldn’t have. “Oh shit, I shouldn’t have left that sentence/phrase/thought in that email.” After this realization, my stomach did a flip, I began to grow warm, fret and frantically think of ways to undo what I had done.
Tony Robbins has a serious track-record for changing people’s lives. And, what I really love about him is his belief in himself and others. What would change in your life if you decided to set fear aside and fully believe in yourself?
The New Year has arrived, with resolutions and ideas for self-improvement abounding. I challenge you to consider what it would be like to work with a coach in the New Year.
Three straightforward steps for any woman (or person) who finds herself in an uncomfortable, inappropriate or downright inexcusable situation at work.
How self-aware do you think you are? How important is it to be self-aware? Lately, I’ve been diving into research on Emotional Intelligence (EQ), specifically self-awareness.
How do you define brave? Putting one’s life in harm’s way for another, voicing an unpopular opinion to a room full of critics? I define brave in another way...